Ri Luo Lyrics Pinyin (Romanized) And English Translation 日落歌词拼音 By 孙燕姿 Sun Yanzi 

Ri Luo Lyrics Pinyin (Romanized) And English Translation 日落歌词拼音 By 孙燕姿 Sun Yanzi

山 忽隐忽现

shan hu yin hu xian

Mountains fade in and out,


hai shi shen lou shi sha mo huang yan

Mirages are desert lies,

天 衔接水面

tian xian jie shui mian

Sky meets the water’s edge,


wo de di ping xian yue suo yue yuan

My horizon grows farther away.

我追 我推 我被

wo zhui wo tui wo bei

I chase, I push, I’m trapped


kun zai zhi ti fan wei

Within this body’s bounds.

生活琐碎 捣碎 粉碎

sheng huo suo sui dao sui fen sui

Life’s trivialities, shattered,

是有或没 不再绝对

shi you huo mei bu zai jue dui

Are either or not, no longer absolute.

我在 日落到来

wo zai ri luo dao lai

I’m here as sunset arrives,

遥望太阳 潜入深海

yao wang tai yang qian ru shen hai

Gazing at the sun diving deep.

等待 季节更改 年復一年 行程没改

deng dai ji jie geng gai nian fu yi nian hang cheng mei gai

Waiting for seasons to change, year after year, unchanged.

儘管被夜取代 不表示光不存在

jin guan bei ye qu dai bu biao shi guang bu cun zai

Though night takes over, it doesn’t mean light is gone.


ni de ai rang wo ming bai

Your love makes me understand,

视线之外 无形同载

shi xian zhi wai wu xing tong zai

Beyond sight, it’s unseen but shared.

星 眨眼瞬间

xing zha yan shun jian

Stars blink in an instant,


yi jing xiao shi zai qian nian yi qian

Already lost a thousand years ago.

笑 掛在嘴边

xiao gua zai zui bian

A smile lingers on my lips,


xi yue que zhi shi hui yi zhong yan

Joy is just memories replayed.

我追 我推 我退

wo zhui wo tui wo tui

I chase, I push, I retreat,


bu rang qu ti bao wei

Not letting my body confine me.

开始理会 体会 领会

kai shi li hui ti hui ling hui

Starting to notice, to feel, to comprehend,

我将是谁 谁能答对

wo jiang shi shui shui neng da dui

Who will I be? Who can answer?

我在 日落到来

wo zai ri luo dao lai

I’m here as sunset arrives,

遥望太阳 潜入深海

yao wang tai yang qian ru shen hai

Gazing at the sun diving deep.

等待 季节更改 年復一年 行程没改

deng dai ji jie geng gai nian fu yi nian hang cheng mei gai

Waiting for seasons to change, year after year, unchanged.

儘管被夜取代 不表示光不存在

jin guan bei ye qu dai bu biao shi guang bu cun zai

Though night takes over, it doesn’t mean light is gone.


wo gan jiao zai xing guo lai

I feel like I’m waking up.

我在 日落到来

wo zai ri luo dao lai

I’m here as sunset arrives,

遥望恋人 潜入人海

yao wang lian ren qian ru ren hai

Gazing at lovers lost in the crowd.

等待 有天明白 我是爱情 这不会改

deng dai you tian ming bai wo shi ai qing zhe bu hui gai

Waiting for the day to understand, I am love, this won’t change.

儘管不再倚赖 不表示爱不存在

jin guan bu zai yi lai bu biao shi ai bu cun zai

Though I no longer rely, it doesn’t mean love is gone.


wo gan jiao zai xing guo lai

I feel like I’m waking up,

视线之外 无形同载

shi xian zhi wai wu xing tong zai

Beyond sight, it’s unseen but shared.

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