Ji Hu Shi Ai Qing Lyrics Pinyin (Romanized) And English Translation 几乎是爱情歌词拼音 By 周兴哲 Eric Chou
词 |葛大为
曲 |周兴哲
xiang mou zhong she zhong
Like some kind of compromise
yi qi du guo
Spending time together
li xiang de sheng huo
An ideal life
mei gao shang dao
Not noble enough
wang xiang fu mo
To fantasize about
别碰的伤口 woo
bie peng de shang kou woo
Touching wounds left alone, woo
shui meng zhong qian shou
Holding hands in dreams
chu men wen wo
Kiss me when you leave
an pai qi zhou mo
Planning the weekend
que xiang bu tou
Yet can’t figure out
que shao le shi me
What’s missing here
难道是佔有 woo
nan dao shi zhan you woo
Could it be possession, woo
能相拥而泣 也想不离不弃
neng xiang yong er qi ye xiang bu li bu qi
To embrace and cry, yet wish not to part
但终究 止步於 被认定
dan zhong jiu zhi bu yu bei ren ding
But in the end, it halts at being defined
zhe ji hu shi ai qing
This is almost love
wei yi cha yi
The only difference
我们不提 爱的肯定句
wo men bu ti ai de ken ding ju
We don’t mention the affirmations of love
ni jue dui li zhi xiang guo
You surely have rationally considered
bu shu fu wo
Not to bind me
ni ye neng zi you
You can be free too
cheng nuo shi ai
Promises are love
shuai luo de yuan xiong
The culprit of decline
我也这麼说 woo
wo ye zhe me shuo woo
I say so too, woo
已说服自己 你更害怕失去
yi shuo fu zi ji ni geng hai pa shi qu
Convinced myself you fear losing more
才对我 没自信 能确定
cai dui wo mei zi xin neng que ding
That’s why you lack confidence with me
zhe ji hu shi ai qing
This is almost love
hao wu cha yi
No real difference
就当为你 多一层顾虑
jiu dang wei ni duo yi ceng gu lu
Just an added layer of concern for you
不破坏规矩 从未相互属於
bu po huai gui ju cong wei xiang hu shu yu
Not breaking the rules, never belonging to each other
也是种 变相的 被珍惜
ye shi zhong bian xiang de bei zhen xi
Is also a kind of twisted cherishing
bu jie shi cheng ai qing
Not to explain as love
bing bu wei qu
It’s not unfair
过不去 也能过下去
guo bu qu ye neng guo xia qu
What can’t be passed also can be lived on
是曾经 走心过 朋友间的劝说
shi ceng jing zou xin guo peng you jian de quan shuo
Once, heartfelt, friends’ persuasion
但你我 何必其他人懂
dan ni wo he bi qi ta ren dong
But why must you and I be understood by others?
折磨往往 源自要求
she mo wang wang yuan zi yao qiu
Torment often stems from demands
已说服自己 你更害怕失去
yi shuo fu zi ji ni geng hai pa shi qu
Convinced myself you fear losing more
才对我 没自信 能确定
cai dui wo mei zi xin neng que ding
That’s why you lack confidence with me
zhe ji hu shi ai qing
This is almost love
hao wu cha yi
No real difference
就当为你 多一层顾虑
jiu dang wei ni duo yi ceng gu lu
Just an added layer of concern for you
不破坏规矩 从未相互属於
bu po huai gui ju cong wei xiang hu shu yu
Not breaking the rules, never belonging to each other
也是种 变相的 被珍惜
ye shi zhong bian xiang de bei zhen xi
Is also a kind of twisted cherishing
bu jie shi cheng ai qing
Not to explain as love
xu yao jue xin
It needs determination
别爱你 只跟你 过下去
bie ai ni zhi gen ni guo xia qu
Don’t love you, just go on with you