Yong Bu Shi Lian De Ai 永不失聯的愛 By Eric Chou 周興哲 Pinyin Lyrics And English Translation

周興哲 Eric Chou – 永不失聯的愛 (Unbreakable Love) Yong Bu Shi Lian De Ai Pinyin Lyrics And English Translation


詞: 饒雪漫



qin ai de ni duo zai na li fa dai

Honey, Where Are you hiding?


you shi me xin shi hai wu fa shi huai

What’s so hard to let go?


wo men zong ba ren sheng xiang de tai huai

We always think life’s too bad.


xiang pang ren bu yun xu wo men de guai

Like no one else will allow us to blame



mei yi pian yu zhong bu tong de yun cai

Every distinctive cloud

都需要找到天空去存在 唔

dou xu yao zhao dao tian kong qu cun zai  en

They all need to find the sky to exist, hmm?


wo men dou xi guan le yuan di pai huai

We’re used to wandering around.


que wu fa xi guan bei yi lai

Can’t get used to being dependent.


你給我 這一輩子都不想失聯的愛

ni gei wo  zhe yi bei zi dou bu xiang shi lian de ai

You gave me the love of my life that never disconnect


xiang xin ai de zheng tu jiu shi xing chen da hai

Believe that the journey of love is the sea of stars

美好劇情 不會更改

mei hao ju qing  bu hui geng gai

Good story will not change

是命運最好的安排 哦

shi ming yun zui hao de an pai  o

It’s the best thing that ever happened to me.


你是我 這一輩子都不想失聯的愛

ni shi wo  zhe yi bei zi dou bu xiang shi lian de ai

You’re the one I’ve never wanted lost contact in my life.


he ku can ren bi wo ba shou qing qing fang kai

Why do you force me to let go of my hand?

請快回來 想聽你說

qing kuai hui lai  xiang ting ni shuo

Please come back.


shuo ni hai zai

Say you’re still here.



zou guo pei ni kan liu xing de tian tai

Walk over the roof to see the meteor with you


ao guo shi qu ni man zhang de deng dai

To make up for the long wait.


hao dan xin mei ren dong ni de wu nai

I’m so worried. no one understands what you have to do.


li kai wo shui hai ba ni dang xiao hai

Who left me to treat you like a child?



wo cai ni yi ding ye hui xiang nian wo

I guess you’re gonna miss me too.

也怕我失落在茫茫人海 唔

ye pa wo shi luo zai mang mang ren hai  en

I’m afraid I’ll be lost in the sea of people.


mei guan xi zhi yao ni ken hui tou wang

It’s all right, if you look back.


hui fa xian wo yi zhi dou zai

You’ll find I’ve been there.


你給我 這一輩子都不想失聯的愛

ni gei wo  zhe yi bei zi dou bu xiang shi lian de ai

You’re the one I’ve never wanted lost contact in my life.


ni de mei tiao xun xi dou shi xin tiao jie pai

Your every message is a heartbeat.

每秒都想 擁你入懷

mei miao dou xiang  yong ni ru huai

Every second I want to hold you in my arms

全世界你最可愛 哦

quan shi jie ni zui ke ai  o

You’re the cutest in the world.


你是我 這一輩子都不想失聯的愛

ni shi wo  zhe yi bei zi dou bu xiang shi lian de ai

You’re the one I’ve never wanted lost contact in my life.


jiu suan ni de hu xi yuan zai qian shan zhi wai

Even if you breathe a thousand mountains away

請你相信 我給的愛

qing ni xiang xin  wo gei de ai

Please believe the love I give


zhi de ni ai

Worthy of your love

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