Wo Zai (I AM NOT HERE) Lyrics Pinyin (Romanized) 我在 By 王一博

Wo Zai (I AM NOT HERE) Lyrics Pinyin (Romanized) And English Translation 我在歌词拼音 By 王一博 Wang Yibo


作词 : 金灿灿


duo nian yi hou

Years from now


wo hui zai na hui mou

Where will I look back?


ju zhe mei jian guo de hua

Holding flowers I’ve never seen


mian chao zhe ni

Facing you


hui zhe shou

Waving my hand

别留在 孤岛

bie liu zai gu dao

Don’t stay on this lonely isle

我来做 小舟

wo lai zuo xiao zhou

I’ll be your small boat

送你 去寻找 绿洲

song ni qu xun zhao lu zhou

To take you to find the oasis


xin ru shan mo

Heart in the mountains


shen luo da hai

Body in the sea

是为我们重逢 归来

shi wei wo men zhong feng gui lai

For our reunion, we return


luo jin chen ai

Falling into dust


zhong xin cun zai

Existing anew

手指天空烟花 不败

shou zhi tian kong yan hua bu bai

Fingers to the sky, fireworks never fade


ni zai ma

Are you there?

你只要 不哭

ni zhi yao bu ku

Just don’t cry

你只要 盛开

ni zhi yao sheng kai

Just blossom

我就 永远不 离开

wo jiu yong yuan bu li kai

I’ll never leave


xin ru shan mo

Heart in the mountains


shen luo da hai

Body in the sea

是为我们重逢 归来

shi wei wo men zhong feng gui lai

For our reunion, we return


luo jin chen ai

Falling into dust


zhong xin cun zai

Existing anew

手指天空烟花 不败

shou zhi tian kong yan hua bu bai

Fingers to the sky, fireworks never fade

Don’t be crying

Don’t be crying

Don’t be crying

你不用 等待

ni bu yong deng dai

You don’t need to wait


wo zai

I’m here


wo zai

I’m here

Don’t be crying

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