Hua Qi Bu Tong Lyrics Pinyin (Romanized) And English Translation 花期不同歌词拼音 By Dior大颖
leng yan leng yu de chao feng
Cold words and mocking tones
zai zhe yong ji de ren qun zhi zhong
In this crowded sea of souls
man man wo diu diao le meng dong
Slowly I’ve lost my innocence
zai zhe hao han wu ji de tian kong
Under this vast and endless sky
ye xu ren zhe yi sheng zong yao jing li
Perhaps in life we must all experience
过磕磕碰碰 才能懂得
guo ke ke peng peng cai neng dong de
Bumps and bruises to truly understand
da yu guo hou de tian kong
The sky after the heavy rain
依旧相信前方 会有出口
yi jiu xiang xin qian fang hui you chu kou
Still believing there’s an exit ahead
zhao hui zi ji de yi lu shang
On the journey to find myself
会发现 穿越人海的你越挫越勇
hui fa xian chuan yue ren hai de ni yue cuo yue yong
I’ll discover that through the crowd, I grow stronger
sheng ming xiang yi duo duo hua duo
Life is like blossoms in bloom
dou yao jing li man zhang de deng hou
Each must endure a long wait
ji de zai zhan fang de shi hou
Remember when you finally shine
别畏惧一切 去往前冲
bie wei ju yi qie qu wang qian chong
Don’t fear anything, charge ahead
但愿那命运的风 全都由你掌控
dan yuan na ming yun de feng quan dou you ni zhang kong
May the winds of fate be in your hands
sheng ming xiang yi zuo zuo shan qiu
Life is like hills we climb
dou xu yao jing li qi qi luo luo
Each needs to face rises and falls
man man de zhao dao zi ji
Gradually finding myself
zhao dao le sheng ming de yi yi
Discovering the meaning of life
要相信 你的美丽由你定义
yao xiang xin ni de mei li you ni ding yi
Trust that your beauty is defined by you
yi tian yi tian ai zi ji duo yi xie
Day by day loving myself more
再多一点 多一点 再一点
zai duo yi dian duo yi dian zai yi dian
Just a little more, a bit more, then some
zhao hui zi ji de yi lu shang
On the journey to find myself
才发现 穿越人海的我越挫越勇
cai fa xian chuan yue ren hai de wo yue cuo yue yong
I realize through the crowd, I grow stronger
sheng ming xiang yi duo duo hua duo
Life is like blossoms in bloom
dou yao jing li man zhang de deng hou
Each must endure a long wait
ji de zai zhan fang de shi hou
Remember when you finally shine
别畏惧一切 去向前冲
bie wei ju yi qie qu xiang qian chong
Don’t fear anything, charge ahead
这一路上 有你作伴 我并不孤单
zhe yi lu shang you ni zuo ban wo bing bu gu dan
With you by my side on this road, I’m not alone
跌跌撞撞 为你勇敢 我不留遗憾
die die zhuang zhuang wei ni yong gan wo bu liu yi han
Stumbling and brave for you, I have no regrets
sheng ming xiang yi zuo zuo shan qiu
Life is like hills we climb
dou xu yao jing li qi qi luo luo
Each needs to face rises and falls
sheng ming xiang yi duo duo hua duo
Life is like blossoms in bloom
zong yao jing li man zhang de deng hou
All must endure a long wait
ji de zai zhan fang de shi hou
Remember when you finally shine
别畏惧一切 去向前冲
bie wei ju yi qie qu xiang qian chong
Don’t fear anything, charge ahead
花朵 绽放在属於你的角落
hua duo zhan fang zai shu yu ni de jiao luo
Blossoms bloom in the corner that belongs to you